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discussion on linearization

discussion on linearization

Consider this as a proposal

In the present “OMCompiler v1.16.0”  the workflow for linearization as follows:


omc --generateSymbolicLinearization  --linearizationDumpLanguage=modelica  buildMODEL.mos
./MODEL -l 0.0   #then a “” is created

with this model I can work now, using OM.

my approach: Separate code from data
In some cases it can be useful to run linearization with different sets of parameters. The dataset for ABCD presently is available as MODELICA Code. This makes parameter-studies less efficient. I'm using the ABCD matrices in post-processing routines for eigenvalue decomposition, transfer-function, participation-factors, … preferred in python language.

I also tried to use  --linearizationDumpLanguage=python  : the generated python code  is not correct.

A workaround attached.
I added some code in “linearize.cpp” to create a MAT4 file with ABCD,x0.  The names for states/input/output are found in MODEL_init.xml

Thanks for your comments.
BR / Johann

Re: discussion on linearization

I agree that a "Data" output (MAT or CSV or other typical format) would be useful. Perhaps you could open a ticket, especially since you have a patch ?

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