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Omedit FLUID library graphical bugs with 1.16

Omedit FLUID library graphical bugs with 1.16

Hi all,

Fluid library don't work correctly any more (at least the graphical part) for 1.16 either in Linux (mint 19 mint 20) or Windows (7 10) .
Have a look at attachments.
I'm surprised that no one had notice it
Have a good day



Re: Omedit FLUID library graphical bugs with 1.16

Hello Brunad,

I looked at the zip fle you uploaded here

If your bug is related to seeing M icon in the library view under Fluid->Valves then I can say that it is not a graphical bug. We intentionally defer the loading of connectors when expanding the libraries. If you double click on them to open then they are loaded automatically in the libraries view.


Re: Omedit FLUID library graphical bugs with 1.16

Hello Adeel,

Thank's for your quick response.

Take a look at

On you willl see that after double clicking on object, connectors appears, but, not drawings.


PS: why is it impossible for me to upload images in the forum ? (Firefox in Linux Mint 19)

Re: Omedit FLUID library graphical bugs with 1.16

Thanks Adeel to have corrected the grapical bugs on valves, open Tank  and fuid sources on the new 1.16.1 openmodelica last version

Edited by: Brunad - Nov-17-20 19:18:40
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