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Build a simple network with custom equations

Build a simple network with custom equations

Hello everybody!

I'm new to modelica and I would like to build a simple network without using pre-existing components. Generally I would like to create 3 kind of elements:
- A "source": it just makes available a custom target quantity variable to feed the network.
- A "sink": where the connection can "end" withouth propagating the target quantity.
- A "connection", describing how much of the target quantity is loss along it according to a custom function of its parameters.

What could be the easiest approach to build such a generic but simple network of many of such elements?
Does Modelica automatically "propagates" the values according to the network equations? E.g. I would like to simulate the behaviour of the network specifying what
happens to the target quantity at the junctions, in case more connections meet each other at the same point. What are your suggestions?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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