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ODE System of a Modell

ODE System of a Modell

Is it possible to extract the ODE System from OpenModelica?

Using the nice GUI of OpenModelica to generate an ODE System which can be solved for further processings for example in Python would be really nice!

I know about the FMI interface, which we use at the moment for our simulations, but due to many bugs and problems which occur especially by the usage of PyFMI, just using ODE system might give us more control and stability in our further research.

Re: ODE System of a Modell

There is no such output at the moment, and you won't ever be able to get a pure ODE system out of it since Modelica contains hybrid parts, the clocked system, and non-linear systems, dynamic state selection, etc. But for some models you might be able to get an ODE system out of OpenModelica. If you write an exporter for it or perhaps parse the info.json file to get the equations you want (for even more limited models).

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