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How do you modify the parameter icon text?
How do you modify the parameter icon text?
I am trying to extend the Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor class so that the mass and specific heat are specified as parameters and are displayed in the Icon. I tried
model SolidHeatCapacitor
extends Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor(C = mass*specific_heat_capacity);
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Mass mass(start = 1.0) "Mass of the lumped capacitance";
parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity specific_heat_capacity(start = 502.0) "Specific Heat Capacity of the mass";
Icon(graphics = {
Text(origin = {1, 39}, extent = {{-81, 11}, {81, -11}}, textString = "Mass %mass"),
Text(origin = {13, -46}, extent = {{-97, 8}, {97, -8}}, textString = "Cp %specific_heat_capacity")}));
end SolidHeatCapacitor;
When I do this, the “%C” text in the annotation icon shows “mass*specific_heat_capacity” instead of the product of the two. The icon on the left is from the Modelica.Thermal library and the one on the right is from the above code.
The "%C" text is filled with "5.5 J/K" in the left icon and "mass*specific_heat_capacity" in the right icon. How do I modify the Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor class icon text to remove the “%C” text? Alternatively, how can the "%C" text be filled with the value rather than the "mass*specific_heat_capacity" text?
I spent hours trying to find documentation on how to do these things without success. Where can I find documentation that talks about this?
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