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Error using IF expression

Error using IF expression

Hi Everyone,

I want to implement an IF expression that enables two different sets of initial conditions. What I came up with is what follows:


parameter Real A;

if A ==1 then

Real y1(start=0.2), y2(start=3.5), y3(start=0.5);


Real y1(start=2.2), y2(start=1.5), y3(start=0.3);

end if;

Unfortunately, using the above code I got the following syntax error message:

No viable alternative near token: if

Could you help me figure this out?

Thank you so much!


Edited by: Gabri - Jun-19-20 14:40:31

Re: Error using IF expression

You cannot have IF in the component section in a Modelica model (well, except for conditional components). You can only use if inside equations. However, what you want can be done via if expressions:


parameter Real A;
Real y1(start=if A ==1 then 0.2 else 2.2),
         y2(start=if A ==1 then 3.5 else 1.5),
         y3(start=if A ==1 then 0.5 else 0.3);

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