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error in initialization

error in initialization


I am starting using Open Modelica 1.7.0 and I can't simulate very simple models that use standard components from the Modelica library, especifically from the Thermal one. Even when trying to run the test examples an error in initialization occurs:

Unable to simulate the Model 'Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Examples.OneMass'
Following Error has occurred.

Simulation execution failed for model: Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Examples.OneMass
Error in initialization. System of initial equations are not consistent.
(Least Square function value is 184000)
Error in initialization. Solver iterated 50 times without finding a solution
residual[0] = 313.15
residual[1] = 293.15
Initialization of the current initial set of equations and initial guesses fails!
Try with better Initial guesses for the states.
Error in initialization. Storing results and exiting.

Simulation terminated while the initialization. Could not find suitable initial values.

Does anybody know how this problem can be solved?
Thank you.

Re: error in initialization

I created a bug report for this:

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