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OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
Brand new user - after initial installation (OpenModelica-v1.14.1-64bit) onto a newish Windows 10 machine, the first startup of OMEdit quits (crashes maybe) after a brief display on the splash screen immediately after the "creating widgets" stage.
I'm having trouble locating the start log - I was told it is in directory: %APPDATA%/OpenModelica/OMEdit - but I cannot seem to find this file.
Any guidance would be GREATLY Appreciated.
I've tried -
uninstall and reinstall of 1.14
uninstall and reinstall of 1.13 - same issue
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
Sorry, my mistake in the email, it should be %TEMP%\OpenModelica\OMEdit\
If you write %TEMP% in Windows Explorer you should get to a directory like: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp
and then navigate to OpenModelica\OMEdit\ and see what files are there. Zip that entire directory and send the zip to us
via email to OpenModelica or directly to me.
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
Hi! Sorry to restart an old discussion, but I am having the exact same problem. First sentence of Paul's post matches my situation exactly. Was there a solution found? I have also tried uninstalling and installing again, but I didn't try with an earlier version. I found the discussed folder and made a zip file, but I'm not sure where and if I should send it.
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
exact same here.
Unfortunately, I can't use a newer build, since then I can't use some important models.
I checked the TEMP directory.
the following txts are empty:
- oemediterror
- omeditoutput
- omscommunication
omslog only contains a few rows that seem not interesting to the topic.
omeditcommunication on the other hand contains the following (and yes, I posted the full text, the startup of omedit seems to quit while loading the libraries. The text simply ends in the middle of the library name):
getVersion(OpenModelica) 11:17:34:532
"OpenModelica v1.14.1 (64-bit)" 11:17:34:532
#s#; 0.000000; 0.000000; 'getVersion(OpenModelica)'
getInstallationDirectoryPath() 11:17:34:532
"C:/OpenModelica/" 11:17:34:532
#s#; 0.000000; 0.000000; 'getInstallationDirectoryPath()'
cd("C:/Users/tuemmler/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenModelica/OMEdit/") 11:17:34:547
"C:/Users/tuemmler/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenModelica/OMEdit" 11:17:34:547
#s#; 0.000000; 0.000000; 'cd("C:/Users/tuemmler/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenModelica/OMEdit/")'
getModelicaPath() 11:17:34:547
"C:/OpenModelica/lib/omlibrary" 11:17:34:547
#s#; 0.000000; 0.000000; 'getModelicaPath()'
errors:=getMessagesStringInternal() 11:17:34:548
{} 11:17:34:572
#s#; 0.024000; 0.024000; 'errors:=getMessagesStringInternal()'
size(errors,1) 11:17:34:572
0 11:17:34:572
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'size(errors,1)'
numProcessors() 11:17:34:591
8 11:17:34:591
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'numProcessors()'
cd("") 11:17:34:595
"C:/Users/tuemmler/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenModelica/OMEdit" 11:17:34:595
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'cd("")'
getAvailableMatchingAlgorithms() 11:17:34:646
"HKDWExt","ABMPExt","PRExt","BB"},{"Breadth First Search based algorithm.","Depth First Search based algorithm.","Depth First
Search based algorithm with look ahead feature.","Depth First Search based algorithm with look ahead feature.","Depth First Search
based algorithm with look ahead feature and fair row traversal.","Combined BFS and DFS algorithm.","Combined BFS and DFS algorithm.",
"Combined BFS and DFS algorithm.","Matching algorithm using push relabel mechanism.","Depth First Search based Algorithm external c
implementation.","Breadth First Search based Algorithm external c implementation.","Depth First Search based Algorithm with look ahead
feature external c implementation.","Depth First Search based Algorithm with look ahead feature external c implementation.","Depth First
Search based Algorithm with look ahead feature and fair row traversal external c implementation.","Combined BFS and DFS algorithm
external c implementation.","Combined BFS and DFS algorithm external c implementation.","Combined BFS and DFS algorithm external c implementation.","Matching algorithm using push relabel mechanism external c implementation.","BBs try."}) 11:17:34:646
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'getAvailableMatchingAlgorithms()'
getAvailableIndexReductionMethods() 11:17:34:646
({"none","uode","dynamicStateSelection","dummyDerivatives"},{"Skip index reduction","Use the underlying ODE without the constraints.",
"Simple index reduction method, select (dynamic) dummy states based on analysis of the system.","Simple index reduction method,
select (static) dummy states based on heuristic."}) 11:17:34:646
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'getAvailableIndexReductionMethods()'
getConfigFlagValidOptions("simCodeTarget") 11:17:34:649
({"None","Adevs","C","Cpp","CSharp","ExperimentalEmbeddedC","Java","JavaScript","omsic","sfmi","XML","MidC"},"Sets the target
language for the code generation.",{}) 11:17:34:649
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'getConfigFlagValidOptions("simCodeTarget")'
getCompiler() 11:17:34:649
"gcc" 11:17:34:649
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'getCompiler()'
getCXXCompiler() 11:17:34:649
"g++" 11:17:34:649
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'getCXXCompiler()'
cd("") 11:17:34:700
"C:/Users/tuemmler/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenModelica/OMEdit" 11:17:34:700
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'cd("")'
getDerivedUnits("s") 11:17:35:064
{"d","h","min","ms"} 11:17:35:064
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'getDerivedUnits("s")'
getErrorString(false) 11:17:35:064
"" 11:17:35:064
#s#; 0.000000; 0.024000; 'getErrorString(false)'
getAvailableLibraries() 11:17:35:130
there the txt just ends.
Does anybody have any clue?
This really bums me out, since the exact same version was running just fine on my other pc (also win10 x64)
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
It says that you are using OpenModelica v1.14.1 (64-bit) and the latest available stable release is 1.18.1.
Please download the latest release or the nightly build and try again.
- adeas
- 454 Posts
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
It is hard for us to know why an older version is not working on a specific platform.
Maybe we can help you getting your models to run in the latest version. What is the exact problem when you use the latest build?
- adeas
- 454 Posts
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
That's hard to say.
I need models that come from the library "transient 1.0.3".
They were put together with Modelica 3.2.3 as a basis.
I can load this library in any build of omedit, but when trying to open any of the classes it contains, omedit just crashes when it is a version newer than 1.14.1.
I really can't tell why. I already tried changing the standard library back to 3.2.3 in the version 1.18 and 1.18.1, but the result is the same.
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
Any specific class that you are trying to open?
I test the same on my side and try to debug the issue.
- adeas
- 454 Posts
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
I take it you know this library then? That would be perfect!
Amongst others, the library contains the following packages:
producer -> gas -> electrolyzer
in this package electrolyzer, every class is relevant.
I should also mention: it is NOT necessary to be able to simulate the classes. I just need to be able to open them, since I have to build a new model that has to be constructed in a similiar manner.
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
I can't find Transient 1.0.3. The only master version available is 2.0.0 and is using Modelica 4.0.0
- adeas
- 454 Posts
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
Oh sorry, typo. I meant 1.3.0.
But still, this could also be a solution.
I'll try to run the 2.0.0 version with the newest OMEdit build and hopefully, not to much has changed in the models.
Then the problem could be obsolete.
Thanks a lot!!!
Re: OMEdit will not start - new install - Windows 10 - x64
You could also run a conversion script from TransiEnt 1.3.0 to 2.0.0: https://github.com/ClaRaLibrary/TransiE … _2.0.0.mos
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
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