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Speed up OMEdit compilation in Qt Creator

Speed up OMEdit compilation in Qt Creator

I'm compiling OMEdit for Windows in QtCreator with OMDev.

As an example, once I have compiled the original OMEdit code the first time, I make a change in OMEditLIB -> Mainwindow.cpp to add a new menu.

Now If I choose Make and then Debug (or if I specifically choose to compile Mainwindow.cpp), it takes a bit to compile but changes are not applied. I can only see the new menu if I perform Clean and then Build, but that takes a lot more time to finish.

Is there a way to speed up the process of compiling and testing when I am only modifying some specific files?

Thank you.

Re: Speed up OMEdit compilation in Qt Creator

Make sure you have this commit checked out … bee2d55b1b


Re: Speed up OMEdit compilation in Qt Creator

Great! Just what I needed, I went from 42 min compilation time to 2 minutes.

Thank you very much.

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