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Problem with a very simple model on OMEdit

Problem with a very simple model on OMEdit


I have a problem with a simple boolean circuit : I create an "and" gate and two "booleantable" as sources, but I'm unable to connect them as input of the and gate, even with the parameter "table" initialised (with {0,1} for instance, in the "table" field of the "parameters" tab of the "properties" dialog box).

The error message displayed when I try to connect one table to one of the input of the and gate is :

---- Error 16 : 20:48:07 ----
"Error: Variable table not found in scope test
Error: Error occured while flattening model test
Error: Variable table not found in scope test
Error: Error occured while flattening model test

What's wrong here ?

Re: Problem with a very simple model on OMEdit

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