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complex arrays in OpenModelica
Re: complex arrays in OpenModelica
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Complex is part of the MSL.
https://github.com/modelica/ModelicaSta … Complex.mo
Complex c[10];
// c[1] is the complex
// c[1].im is the im part
// c[1].re is the real part
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: complex arrays in OpenModelica
thank you for your answer;
in fact, I have a variable in my function and during simulation can takes real and complex numbers, so my question is how can I define this variable in the top of the function
thanks in advance
Re: complex arrays in OpenModelica
In Modelica you need to define the type of the variables. If your variable can take complex values it is a Complex, in the same way a variable than can get integer and fractional values is a Real, not an Integer.
Of course you can't do real operations using complex numbers, but I understand that you can always define a Real and make it equal to the real part of your complex number, and play later with this real. Or use directly the real part of your complex number in the needed operations.
Re: complex arrays in OpenModelica
thank you CTG for your answer.
I do what you told me to do, but, now I have another problem in derivative of complex function.
is there a function which allow us to derivate a complex function? else you can give me an idea how to do this
can you help me, please?
thank you in advance for your answer
der(T2[i]) =(q_cd_g_pv * (T1[i] - T2[i]) - q_cd_pv_ted * (T2[i] - T3[i]) + (tau_fg * alfa_pv - eta) * G[i] * Apv + tau_fg * alfa_eva * G[i] * (Ag - Apv)) * (1 / Cpv);
message error: [OM_Modello3_11: 340:5-340:207]: Type mismatch for positional argument 1 in der(=T1[i]). The argument has type:
expected type:
Re: complex arrays in OpenModelica
Well, I told you not to do reals operations with complex numbers. As stated in Modelica 3.4 specification (3.7.2), the time derivative operator der() works on reals and reals arrays, giving as output a real or a real array. A possible workaround can be something like this:
model ComplexDerivative
Complex c;
Real r[2](start={2,2});
end ComplexDerivative;
Where the start and derivative values can be a more sophisticated expression.
Re: complex arrays in OpenModelica
thank you it works very well;
I try to translate a program of temperature variation from Matlab to OpenModelica, so in matlab, the initial conditions are updated for each iteration, like shown in the code below,
How I can do that in OpenModelica?
T0_7=[16.2+273.15 16.2+273.15 16.2+273.15 16.2+273.15 16.2+273.15 16.2+273.15 32+273.15 ];
t0=0; %Istante di tempo iniziale
tf=60; %Istante di tempo finale
tspan=t0:1:t0+tf-1; %Intervallo di tempo
Tint=16.2; %celsus
Tint=Tint+273.15;% kelvin
N_misure=1440;% nobre de mesure
for i=1:1:N_misure
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',[1e-4 1e-4 1e-4 1e-4 1e-4 1e-4 1e-4 ]);
%Risoluzione del modello (8) modificato tramite il metodo Runge Kutta del 4 ordine
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