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Output file doesn't give simulation statistics

Output file doesn't give simulation statistics

When running simulations of electrical systems, the simulation output file doesn't give statistics even though the results are correct and the simulation runs successfully. Is it for some reason?


Re: Output file doesn't give simulation statistics

How are you running the simulation?
You need to enable the LOG_STATS logging.


Re: Output file doesn't give simulation statistics

Thank you for your response.

I am running the simulations from OMEdit. I have the LOG_STATS logging enabled but I get the .log output file empty. Only with the directory and the simulation settings, not the time performance.

I only have this problem with one specific model that I simulate, maybe it is some issue in the model?

Re: Output file doesn't give simulation statistics

You can see them in the Simulation Output Window.


Re: Output file doesn't give simulation statistics

Yes, but I only get as output: The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method. I only have this problem with one particular simulation. The others I get the statistics.

Re: Output file doesn't give simulation statistics

Time for a new ticket then
Please provide us a test model as well.


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