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Parallel simulation

Parallel simulation

Hi, I want to know if is possible to execute parallel simulations of electrical systems with Modelica. I have seen some related issues such as ParModelica or ways to compile the code and after execute, but not very clear. Thank you

Re: Parallel simulation

I'm too, interested in this topic. I've found some old presentation from OM developer on Google, but no concrete use case/example so far... How could we utilize multi core for Openmodelica simulation? is it possible?

Re: Parallel simulation

As far as I am concerned, for now the only automatic parallelization option is to use HPCOM. Here there is a link to a tutorial: … torial.pdf

I have tried this example, but when running the .mos file, I only get the results file as in the OMEdit usual simulation and the task graphs (ODE, DAE, schedule and so on) but I don't know how to get the serial and parallel costs.

Which kind of models do you want to parallelize?

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