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Switching Between Sets of ODE Systems in FMU

Switching Between Sets of ODE Systems in FMU


does anyone know if there is any possibility to switch the ODE System in an FMU?

I am simulating electrical Grids, which shall be able to change over team, for example by adding a Load, uncoupling a powersource, and so on. Using the switches which are implemented is not really an option, because they don´t really switch, they just change the resistance between to coupled parts.

Using low resistors, the parts are not really uncoupled, and using high resistors makes the ODE System stiff, which makes it way more costly and causes numerical issues.

So changing the whole ODE system inside a simulation ( in my case in python, using PyFMI) is the only idea which i have left. Creating at least two files, two model.fmu files, and lots of adjustings in the code for every set-up.

Especially in the scope of the open-source toolbox we want to publish is this not a real solution, because no one wants to use a software which is so complicated and not intuitive at all.

So if anyone has an idea how to realize those loadsteps, you are really welcome to share them :-)

Best regards,


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