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substanceData in Chemical Package

substanceData in Chemical Package

Hello -

I am trying to incorporate the chemical package into gas flow (have gas flow through a pipe from a tank, proceed through a chemical reaction, and then flow into another tank). I'm running into several problems while interfacing the mediums. Currently, I have a transcription error that reads:

[GasTransfer: 50:5-50:31]: Expected Air_Record to be a component, but found class instead.

The error message is referring to the substance component:

Chemical.Components.Substance substance(
    redeclare package stateOfMatter = Chemical.Interfaces.IdealGas,
    substanceData = Air_Record,
    use_mass_start = true,
    mass_start = 0.001)

The substances data in the chemical package doesn't have the compounds I'm working with, so I modified the existing ideal gas packages for what I need. Now, though, I get the "found class" error message no matter what I declare the substanceData as (even if I use one of the packages used in the examples). Any help would be appreciated!

Re: substanceData in Chemical Package

Problem fixed - syntax error.

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