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OMPython 'new' vs 'old' frontend code generation

OMPython 'new' vs 'old' frontend code generation

Dear all,

When trying to run a modelica model with OMPython, I get the same error messages as I would in OpenModelica with "old frontend for code generation" enabled. Unfortunately I only got this model to work in OpenModelica with this option disables, i.e. in the new frontend.

Is there a workaround to this in OMPython? Or should I debug the model in OpenModelica using the old frontend code generation?
i'm using the latest stable dev (1.15.0).

Many thanks for the help!


PS: I've also tried to generate an FMU (this also only worked in the new frontend, but then failed with e.g. pyfmi and FMU simulator - i.e. the FMU seems corrupted).

Re: OMPython 'new' vs 'old' frontend code generation

You can enable the new frontend by calling `setCommandLineOptions("-d=newInst")` from OMPython.


Re: OMPython 'new' vs 'old' frontend code generation

Hi Adeel,

Is there also a way of calling `setCommandLineOptions("-d=newInst")` before creating a ModelicaSystem object?


mod = ModelicaSystem()
mod.sendExpression("loadFile(cd() + \"/\")")

Because when calling ModelicaSystem('', 'mymodel') it automatically creates a new OMCSession.

Kind regards,

Re: OMPython 'new' vs 'old' frontend code generation

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