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Hybrid Power Systems

Hybrid Power Systems

I am at the early and really hard stages of a small business here in Brazil related to hybrid energy systems. Recently I have just sold a complete residencial installation with PV, solar water heating, thermal/energy storage, charge ctrls and inversor, wind turbine and gas water heater. I modeled and simulated the thermal system on SciLab convencional coding (line by line without GUI) and I would like to do the same with the rest (wind, battery and PV) but this time on Modelica using GUI because of already available written libraries.

Therefore, to accomplish such a task I am looking for a commercial/research partnership with someone in the field and interested on the subject. The plan is to install the physical system (already sold and in progress), compare it's results with Modelica mathematical model and from it offer to further customers hybrid power system consulting/projects/system installations here in Brazil.

Would anyone be interested in such a work?

Thanks in advance and I look forward your reply.

Best regards,

Yuri Scripnic

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