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ADMSL works now with OpenModelica

ADMSL works now with OpenModelica

As this forum is not only for reporting bugs current/wink, I thought to announce some good news.

The master branch in ADMSL is now working with OMC.

ADMSL was initially implemented in Dymola. It was already distributed with OpenModelica but it was not compiling and simulating (Github URLGitHub URL).

It was a bit disturbing for me that this is the case. ADMSL is heavily using replaceable components, inheritance and parameterized array sizes through global parameters declared with implicit connections (i.e. inner / outer). This seems to be very challenging for any Modelica compiler and not just OMC.

The last version of ADMSL 1.1.0-alpha_Hamburg is now working with OpenModelica. This is now the master branch. In order to achieve this, I had to avoid excessive reuse of replaceable etc. by simply duplicating code and avoid implicit connections for specifying the size of arrays.

In case there is any interest to see / examine what is not working: There are two further branches one of them is OMC which includes the implementation of how I believe the implementation should be. But this branch does not currently translates well /compile. Another branch is Dymola corresponding to the older implementation which is a bit more tuned towards Dymola.   

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