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parameter input?

parameter input?

I know it sounds strange, but i think i read it somewhere that a 'parameter input' prrefix is exsist.

I've try it on a model
Model Foo
parameter input Real x;
parameter input Integer k;
Real y;

y = x*k;
end Foo;

saving and instantiating the model did result in any error. I then make a second model
Model Foo2

Foo foo1 annotation(...);

end Foo2

So in Foo2 i can double click on foo1 and open the parameter window like usual.

What interesting is when i exported as FMU, Foo.fmu listed x and k as input where as Foo2 listed foo1.x and foo1.k as parameter.

how does the 'paramter input' combination works? or how does it intended to use? So can x and k be manipualted as input or parameter?


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