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Error during simulation

Error during simulation

i'm simuling a model with modelica and if i check the system with the "check button" it's ok ( 64 equation in 64 variables) but if i run the simulation this error appear in the dashboard:
"An independent subset of the model has imbalanced number of equations (60) and variables (59)."

The model is created with 2 submodels, one for a volume and one for a single stage of a steam turbine. The submodel works alone correctly.

Where am i make mistakes?

Re: Error during simulation

Check only does a quick check that things might work, but it will not detect things like:


model M

  Real x,y;
  y = 1.0;
  3.0 = 2.0;
end M;

In some cases at least the latest OpenModelica will give a hint that things are a bit off. But in many cases no analysis of the possible cause of the error is given.

Re: Error during simulation

Problem solved. Tnks everyone

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