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Visualization of multibody models

Visualization of multibody models


       1) Am trying to run Open Modelica from python. While doing so is it possible to generate the 3d visualization xml? if possible how?

       2) can the xml and .mat result file used for Visualizing the result be opened in any other alternate open source software.

could some one pls help on the above clarifications.

Re: Visualization of multibody models

sathishmswamy wrote:

1) Am trying to run Open Modelica from python. While doing so is it possible to generate the 3d visualization xml? if possible how?

Call setCommandLineOptions("-d=visxml") before simulating the model. It will generate the 3d visualization xml file.

sathishmswamy wrote:

2) can the xml and .mat result file used for Visualizing the result be opened in any other alternate open source software.

I don't know about any other software.


Re: Visualization of multibody models

Thank you Adeel

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