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Why isn't there any video tutorials for OpenModelica?

Why isn't there any video tutorials for OpenModelica?

There's so many scenarios of OpenModelica where I wish I could learn with someone who's much more experienced than I am.

I'm curious as to how I can get better. I feel as though I have hit a wall in my learning progress within OpenModelica. I've been working with this software for 2.5 months, putting in ~40 hours a week designated towards OpenModelica however all the online tutorials, user manuals and web forums do not cut it.

What I really need is to hear the reasoning and inner thoughts of an experienced OpenModelica user. For instance, debugging. The algorithmic debugger is so ambiguous and hard to use. There is little to no information online on how to trouble shoot errors for a complex system. Especially when there are numerous errors to troubleshoot at once. But more importantly, I want to know the process. What other things should one consider when constructing a model in order to avoid complex debugging down the road?

If you have any suggestions on how to "get to the next level" of modeling within OpenModelica, please feel free to leave your input below. I'm just super curious as to how people like the moderators of this site, and other places have the expertise and knowledge they do and how they got there.

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