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HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) Rankine Cycle Error

HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) Rankine Cycle Error

I've never seen this type of error before during my use of OpenModelica. This error was generated after trying to simulate my HRSG Power Cycle, after being able to successfully instantiate the model first. I've tried a couple different methods at trying to solve this error but no luck due to the lack of literature on the issue on the internet/Modelica website.

I'd appreciate any help or advice anyone has to give to solve this error, for it's been unsolvable for the past couple of days. Thanks!

(base class for HRSG)
(HRSG component file)
(main model)


Re: HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) Rankine Cycle Error

Please don't open both a bug ticket and a forum post. One of them is enough.

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