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Parameter value from function not passed to model

Parameter value from function not passed to model

Hallo everyone,

I have a wire model that use enumeration to enable different type and size of wire to be chossen for simulation. Until recently I used v.1.12.0 and it works. yesterday I installed the v.1.13.2 and got this error when i try to simulate a wire model


[1] 09:36:20 Translation Error
[KS_modelica.ExternalLibrary: 4649:13-4649:65]: Internal error BackendDAECreate.lowerEqn failed for initial equation
  terminate("Parameters for Wire model not possible.");

Insde the model in the initial equation, the insulation thickness value is checked and will be terminate if thickness is < 0. I assume somehow the value from database is not loaded dto model.

The Same model is checked on three different PCs (two with v.1.13 and one with 1.12), on both PCs with v1.13 the simulation is terminated due to said error. Unfortunately i can not share the model.

hope my description of the problem is good enough.

thanks in advance

I've also open a ticket #5340

Edited by: Arinomo23 - Feb-15-19 13:46:17

Re: Parameter value from function not passed to model

I commented out the inital equation


 if WireData[1] < 0 then

    terminate("Parameters for Wire model not possible.");
  end if;

and the simulation works and the result shows that WireData[1] = 0.6.

i dont understand what happend current/big_smile

Re: Parameter value from function not passed to model

This is a bug. We will continue the discussions on the ticket you opened:

Re: Parameter value from function not passed to model

Ok, thanks for the response

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