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SVG "bitmap" files in icon annotations

SVG "bitmap" files in icon annotations

Hey folks... I was experimenting with referencing an SVG file in an bitmap icon annotation for an object and it appeared in OMEdit! All of the documentation that I've seen seems to indicate that SVG is not supported:

The  supported  file  formats  include PNG, BMP and JPEG, other supported file formats are unspecified.

What should I make of this? I would much prefer to specify images in SVG rather than via a true bitmap. Can I continue to rely upon this undocumented "feature"?

Re: SVG "bitmap" files in icon annotations

In OMEdit, basically any image format supported by Qt should work as far as I know. For other Modelica tools, it might not work. SVG support is staged to be part of a future Modelica specification version: … issues/174

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