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OMEdit wishlist
OMEdit wishlist
Hi all OM developers!
Is there some wishlist or feature requests for OME? Either its not or at least I havent found any. Or are you planning one?
The thing is, that we want to teach modelling in modelica next semester and we would like to use just OMEdit for that. Regretably, it still lacks some features, which would make it equally usable to dymola or others (not even speaking about OMNotebook)
So, do you think it is realistic - is the development effort aimed at this tool? Would it be usable for students by the start of september? Or should we buy dymolae instead?
So my wishes and bugs i´ve found till now in OME
- Does not save individual models in a package - the message is really confusing. Sometimes it does not save model at all (ctr+s on model, then on package and even then it asks on exit)
- OMC does not support drag&drop with custom models - you can drag&drop from OM library only - quite annoying
- when double clicking on icon [model] in model it should open it for edit
- It does not save commentary in models! - i know you could use annotations, but its still very needed
- using tab on block of code int text view should indent it instead of deleting it - using shift+tab should delete one level of indentation
- All shapes are lacking fillings, colors are missing completely (least important of course)
and in OMC
- this doesnt run and does not produce any explanation (!):
[Generally if equations in when clause. Quite important as the elsewhen does not work either (or does it?). Solvable by if-expression though]
when A > B then
if C then
D = 1;
D = 2;
end if;
end when;
- This compiles, but the A is never TRUE -
when sample(0, 1) then
A = if sample(0, 1) then TRUE else FALSE;
end when;
that would be all for now

Thank you for your cooperation!
Best regards,
Filip Jezek
(Creative Connections / 1. LF UK CZ)
EDIT: The bugreports are working now, sorry
Re: OMEdit wishlist
The bug tracker isn't working? It is for me ( https://openmodelica.org:8443/cb/proj/t … acker_id=1 ), but maybe that's because I have a separate account there...
As for comments... String-comments are preserved, but line-comments (//) and block-comments (/* ... */) are not. This is due to the architecture used by OMEdit to communicate with OMC. That's also why indentation is not preserved in the models. Some work being done to resolve these issues, but I think it's a long way off still.
I don't think
when sample(0, 1) then
A = if sample(0, 1) then TRUE else FALSE;
end when;
is very well defined due to numerics being involved (they are separate zero-crossings and they might actually be triggered during different time steps). It's an interesting example though...
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: OMEdit wishlist
Thanks for the fast reply.
Right, the bugtracker is now working fine, sorry, probably my fault. [ Edit: on some work/school networks the 8443 port is blocked, thats why this confusion. Write to your system admin to enable outcoming connections ]
To the sample() problem, I think that according to modelica specifications it should work. The sample is generated at EXACT time and as the simulation is stopped at events, the value of sample should really be the same. And in addition, it works in dymola.
The usage was, that I had quite complicated When condition, where there were like 4 conditions in a tuple. Then I needed to choose which one was the hit. So this functionality is not unusable as it looks like [unless the elsewhen is working, which I havent tried to be honest].
Regarding the comments - by string-comments you mean in the annotations? How long you mean by "long way off" ?
And so what you think of the other features - are they already scheduled, ignored, or never-thought-bout-it?
Re: OMEdit wishlist
The other features, I'm not sure. But if you file a bug they might be solved Open some extra ones about drag&drop of custom components, and send Adeel a few extra emails. It seems to be a quite popular feature to still be missing.
String-comments are as such:
class A "class-comment"
Real r = 1.2 "var-comment" annotation(stuff noone cares about);
x := 1.3 "cmt";
end A;
And with a long way off, I mean the oldest bug we have among the new bugs (post-bugzilla) is https://openmodelica.org:8443/cb/issue/ … tion=true. The very same thing you want now Who knows though. Maybe the master's student working on the issue this time will actually solve it.
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: OMEdit wishlist
There is an OMEdit wishlist here:
https://openmodelica.ida.liu.se/svn/Ope … oc/OMEdit/
user: anonymous
pass: none <-- write none here
We will add your things to it, but maybe will also be better to add a task or a bug with this things to the tracker.
"Long way off" I assume would be about half a year to get omc to handle the c-like comments.
We are working on doing minimal refactoring (keep everything in place and only add or replace
what is changed, such as adding components, etc) and we already build a prototype that works
but we still have to work on performance.
All the other suggestions besides C-like comment preserving should be rather easy to support
until September. However, note that we do not have so many resources as commercial companies
so things move more slowly (is expected from an open-source project). Also, OMEdit is a rather new
project (started half a year ago) which is already promising but we're working on further improving it.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
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