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OMSimulator & regex & GCC4.8

OMSimulator & regex & GCC4.8

dear all,

obviously there is a problem with regex and GCC4.8.   
so  >> OMSimulator  --version  when using GCC4.8.5 on LINUX platform x86_64  crashed.

I tried to replace  std::regex   by   boost::regex in Options.cpp, Options.h, ComRef.cpp and FMUWrapper.cpp
included  -lboost_regex and everything  is fine (with some additional modifications in cmake)

Unfortunately I'm not an expert in C programming, so I want to ask for experience of any other user?

thanks in advance / johann

Re: OMSimulator & regex & GCC4.8

Thanks for this bug report. We collect all OMSimulator related issues actually on github: Feel free to post it there as well.

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