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Directional derivatives

Directional derivatives

Good morning,

My company is planning some developments based on OpenModelica FMUs and considering to contribute to the OpenModelica Project.

I opened a ticket about a possible bug in the directional derivatives calculation: … #comment:1

Is there any way of knowing how important/prioritary is this functionality for the development team?

In order take strategic decisions, it would be very helpful for us to know if the directional derivatives are going to be available soon.

Thank you very much!!

Re: Directional derivatives


FMI is quite imported, so we will try to fix it for the release of 1.13.
Thank you reporting the issue.

so long.

Re: Directional derivatives

Hi Willi,

Is there any rough date estimation for the next release??


Re: Directional derivatives

Actually, I expected a release before this summer, but my feeling is it will delay to end of summer or autumn.

Re: Directional derivatives

Thanks, the information was very helpful.

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