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Flight Model Problems

Flight Model Problems

I created a flight model, usingthe standard 6DOF and aerodynamic equation blocks. However, the model is very sensitive to initial values of thrust, deltae (elevator), V, and alpha. If they are off even by 10^-4, the model doesn't give the expected output. Even then it requires the irksco solver and a tolerance 1e-3 to return correct answers.

Beyond that, if I attempt to perturb deltae by one degree, the model simply simply loses its path and never recovers as it is supposed to.

I have gone through every line of the code with a fine tooth comb but I am not sure where I am messing up. The files are attached. The TestFM file is the one that needs to be executed (for approx. 100 secs at 0,001 s step size), and the TrimCessna file will generate the initial values (thrust, alphazero,V, de).

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