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Eclipse MDT

Eclipse MDT

Hi again,
I'm having some problems to set up a working environment in Eclipse. Now Eclipse identifies syntax errors but there is no code completion. And also when I try to run a .mo file a window pops up to choose an Ant build. There are two options but no matter which one I choose I get an error message telling me: Build Failed.  Reason: Unable to find Ant file to run. I'm aware that the questions aren't super specific so to say, it reflects my knowledge I guess...

I'm a total beginner in Eclipse so I have no clue at all what I'm doing wrong. I appreciate any ideas so I can get started. It would be great to get code completion and to be able to run and debug the model right in Eclips

Eclipse Version: 3.5.2e.
Modelica Development Tooling    0.7.7

Thanks guys,

Re: Eclipse MDT


Note that you *cannot* build (compile) Modelica models from MDT. You can only use it to edit Modelica text.
Also the features such as code completion does not work if you don't have OpenModelica
installed as all the information required is obtain via connection to the omc compiler.

If you want to build (compile) and simulate models I suggest you use OMEdit or OMShell.

Adrian Pop/

Re: Eclipse MDT

Ok. So there is no dubug tool, I must have got things wrong from the slide presentation.  But how do I create the connection with omc? Do I have to set some environment variables or how do I achive that? I'm runnnig  Ubuntu 10.10 right now.

Thanks a lot,

Re: Eclipse MDT

It's enough to point out /usr/bin/omc as the OMC executable. But otherwise environment variables are the way to go.
The debugging is for MetaModelica only, not Modelica.

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