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MacPorts port of openmodelica: conflict with octave port

MacPorts port of openmodelica: conflict with octave port

The current MacPorts port of octave (@4.4.0_2+accelerate+app+docs+gfortran+graphicsmagick+qt5+sound) epends on sundials2.
openmodelica-dvel depends on sundials. And sundials cannot be installed because it conflicts with sundials2.

Any way to resolve this?

Edited by: murrayE - Jun-03-18 21:57:33

Re: MacPorts port of openmodelica: conflict with octave port

This really is a problem of macports and octave, not openmodelica.  OM is using the current version of sundials (the port is named sundials  currently version 3.1.0).  Whille, for some reason, octave is using the sundials2 port (currently 2.7).  And these ports are written in a way that they are incompatible with each other. 

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