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Model using Enumeration does not compile

Model using Enumeration does not compile

I have problems with enumeration version of the below test-model.
If I try to compile MyModel, it starts but get an error and aborts compilation (OMEdit v1.12.0 (64-bit)). However, if I use a simple vectorized version, compilation is successful. Is this a ticket for omc or I'm missing something?

package test

model MyModel
  ModelA stage1;
  Source source(q=1, cin=10);
  Sink sink;
    connect(source.OUT, stage1.IN);
    connect(stage1.OUT, sink.IN);
end MyModel;

partial model Parmodel
  extends Definitions;
  input pipe IN;
  output pipe OUT;
  parameter Real V=1;
  Real c[Species];

  initial equation
  c = {1.0, 10.0};
end Parmodel;

model Source

  extends Definitions;
  output pipe OUT;
  parameter Real q = 10;
  parameter Real cin = 1;

  OUT.q = -q;
  OUT.c = {cin, 2*cin};
end Source;

model Sink
  input pipe IN;
end Sink;

model ModelA
extends Parmodel;
    der(c)={IN.q/V*(IN.c[Species.A]-c[Species.A]), IN.q/V*(IN.c[Species.B]-c[Species.B])};
    OUT.c = c;
    OUT.q + IN.q = 0.0;
end ModelA;

connector pipe
extends Definitions;

  flow Real q;
  Real c[Species];
end pipe;

type Definitions
  type Species = enumeration(A, B);
end Definitions;

end test;

Re: Model using Enumeration does not compile

Connectors (like your "pipe") must have the same number of flow and state variables.
It would more or less work if you put also
flow Real q[Species]
that makes sense since, probably, there is a flow of each specific Species

Moreover, you must not extends Definitions in Pipe. You can use the type "Species" simply referring to it. Right?

Re: Model using Enumeration does not compile

Actually, Definitions is illegal since a type must always extend from a basic type, and models are not allowed to extend from a type either (but the compiler doesn't catch that). You should make Definitions a package instead, and either use the name directly or import Definitions.Species where needed.

Re: Model using Enumeration does not compile

Thanks for the reply!

perost, you are wright, the compiler doesn't catch my error.  If I make Definitions a package as you suggested the code compiles correctly!

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