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static modeling, static nonlinear optimization

static modeling, static nonlinear optimization


My main applications are in modelling static industrial systems and solving NLP problems on these models.
Till now, I did that mainly in C# or Python.
Modelica was always attracting, but I never got enough momentum to try developing a model.
The reasons till now were:

I was not sure  static modelling was a good topic/reason for using Modelica
I was not sure  static NLP could be done with Modelica
I had some troubles using the buildings library with OpenModelica and with SystemModeller (for another kind of applications)

Could you give me your suggestions and comments regarding the possible use of Modelica for  NLP on static models.
Is it really possible? Is it a good idea? What would be the tools?
The models would include kilns, heat and mass exchangers, chemical reactions.
The optimisations would aim at minimising costs (mainly the fuel mix, raw materials package and power) while satisfying the process constraints, quality constraints and environmental constraints.

Thanks for your suggestions,


Edited by: maajdl - Apr-24-18 07:14:52
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