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Loading libraries on Mac

Loading libraries on Mac

OM is distributed with many libraries. Only some of them are accessible directly from the file menu of OMEdit system libraries. For the loaded Buildings library version is  3.0.0, while other versions of buildings are available. In particular in'm interested in loading Buildings latest.

I tried using file|Load Library and keying to see /opt folder.

This way I'm able to see Buildings latest folder, but I cannot load it because is greyed.
How can I load that library?

Re: Loading libraries on Mac

You can choose File->Open Model/Library File(s) and then select the file.
Choose File->Load Library and then select the folder Buildings latest.


Re: Loading libraries on Mac

So easy! thanks.

Re: Loading libraries on Mac

It's also possible in Options->Libraries, but then Buildings latest would be loaded every time OMEdit starts

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