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Pump curves warning incorrect
Pump curves warning incorrect
I have a model with multiple pumps in series. The pumps are defined to use a polynomial pump curve. When I run the model I get the following messages
"assert | warning | <p>Wrong pump curve -- head_nominal must be monotonically decreasing with increasing V_flow_nominal</p>"
"assert | warning | <p>The following assertion has been violated at time 0.000000<br>
pumps5150.delta_head_init >= 0.0</p>
assert | warning | <p>Variable violating min constraint: 0.0 <= pumps5150.delta_head_init, has value: -38.7444</p>"
I have checked the pump curves and they seem to be correct. Also, is there to verify the coefficients of the polynomial pump curve after running the model. Please see the attached model.
Thanks in advance and appreciate the help.
Re: Pump curves warning incorrect
Hello sgopal1,
I've struggled with the same issue many times with the Modelica.Fluid pump models.
The problem is — as the warning tells you — that the pump curve is not monotonically decreasing, meaning that the maximum of the curve is not at V_flow = 0 but to the right of it. The result is that there are two values of the volume flow giving the same pump head which is, numerically, a problem.
The reason for the non-monotonically decreasing curve is that, although you specify nominal points of V_flow and head that are monotonically decreasing, Modelica.Fluid.Machines.BaseClasses.PumpCharacteristics.PolynomialFlow will make a fit to the points without guaranteeing that the "leftmost" point has the maximum head. The figure in this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … sp=sharing shows you the nature of the problem.
I also share a small Modelica model that can plot the pump curve (polynomial) from the nominal values. Please see this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kJVp3- … sp=sharing
In conclusion, I would say that your model (parameterization) is not to blame. Instead, the implementation of PolynomialFlow should make a greater effort to ensure a monotonical decrease.
Best regards,
Rene Just Nielsen
- justnielsen
- 40 Posts
Re: Pump curves warning incorrect
Thanks Rene. The polynomial fit makes total sense now. However, I do have initialization problems with the pump curves. I get the following warnings for all the pumps.
"The following assertion has been violated at time 0.000000"
pumps5149.delta_head_init >= 0.0
Variable violating min constraint: 0.0 <= pumps5149.delta_head_init, has value: -30.9507"
When I try to debug I see the following equation being violated
final parameter SI.Height delta_head_init = flowCharacteristic(V_flow_single_init)-flowCharacteristic(0)
"Used for simplified initialization model";
How do I resolve this.
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