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Extension for visualisation of Expandable connectors

Extension for visualisation of Expandable connectors

Hi,in integrative physiology we deal with large models, where lots of signal buses are merged into one expandable connector (e.g.
the Physiomodel). The clarity of such model is then greatly reduced, as one has to search manually where does particular signal come from or what it affects.

The idea is to visualize the connections in some sort of tree graph. Have you came upon some similar project?

Having a Modelica library to do the job would be neat, but I have no idea how to implement it. The XML description could not be used, as it is not exactly stated what is a connector. So far I came up with solution relying on OpenModelica API (traverse through used classes, search for connectors, build graph nodes on connect equations containing particular connector instance name), which could be called from some Python script. The visualization can be done in python or in generated javascript page, which would take the JSON as an input.

  1. With the long-term idea in mind to extend the OpenModelica (or Modelica) by such feature, would you agree with the proposed solution?

  2. Is there some cook-book how to prepare OpenModelica extensions?

  3. Any simpler / more worth ways to try?

  4. Any hints or feature requests to consider?


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