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Pyfmi, OpenModelica FMU, and IPython (JSON involved)

Pyfmi, OpenModelica FMU, and IPython (JSON involved)

Trying to load an FMU compiled by omc (OpenModelica's compiler) provoke a nasty crash under IPython.


    import pyfmi
makes IPython crash with message
    JSON object expected ',' or '}', got: "lineEnd":67,"colSta
    Aborted (core dumped)

I tried both IPython 5.4 and 4.2, for Python 2.7.13 (Anaconda 64-bit) on Ubuntu 16.04.

An example FMU for reproducing the bug can be found here: … ontrol.fmu

This seems to be specific to OpenModelica as a JModelica compiled FMU ( … ature.fmu) does not trigger the error.

Both FMUs pass the FMU compliance check.

Do you have any idea about the problem's root and how to solve it?

I already experienced segfaults with older version of OpenModelica, as mentionned here: They were however rare enough to be only a nuisance, not a show stopper.

Edited by: Sylvain Girard - Nov-16-17 15:58:42

Re: Pyfmi, OpenModelica FMU, and IPython (JSON involved)

Your links are broken

Re: Pyfmi, OpenModelica FMU, and IPython (JSON involved)


Several years since you posted this problem.
But I have come across bout the same thing.
Discussed at Stackoverflow, see … untu-18-04

If you have got a solution I would appreciate to know it!

Jan Peter

Re: Pyfmi, OpenModelica FMU, and IPython (JSON involved)

If comma is used as a decimal separator the FMU loading will crash. Set locale to en_US should fix it.


import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')

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