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Is it possible to execute model .exe's as stand-alone programs?

Is it possible to execute model .exe's as stand-alone programs?

If possible, I would become able to distribute (MS windows) executable files created through OM from Modelica models to other people, so that they can execute them repeatedly, with different value of parameters.
If this is possible I could myself create a piece of software with the GUI to do this.

I have two issues:
1) the .exe file has dependencies. Either I should have a clear list of the files to distribute along with exe or, much better, some option to create executables with everything already linked inside, i.e. that have no dependencies.
2) I don't know there the executable reads parameters from.  I suppose there is some text file. And I suppose there is somewhere the formal description of this file so that I can write code to read and write it safely.

Is it possible? Can anyone give hints?


Re: Is it possible to execute model .exe's as stand-alone programs?

1) You can use a windows program called "depends.exe" to find out the list of dependencies. Compiling a version without dependencies requires that we link against the static versions.
2) Executable reads a file called model_init.xml and I don't think we have any formal description about it.


Re: Is it possible to execute model .exe's as stand-alone programs?


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