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Mixing of Media

Mixing of Media

e.g. there is already a quite good MediaPackage for Air but i need for my model additional substance in it e.g NO2 NH3....
therefore my Question if there is a way to mix them? i can't connect together because the Media is declared in the connector.

Re: Mixing of Media

Generally it’s possible to define your own Medium with Media from Modelica Standard Library. You have to create a new package and there you can define your medium. The best way to find out, how to do, is to look at the free ThermoPower Library :
e.g.: ThermoPower.Media.FlueGas
( or  Modelica.Media.IdealGases.MixtureGases.FlueGasSixComponents)
Then in your model/connector you have to use the commands “replaceable package….” and “redeclare package ….” to use your own medium.
See e.g. :

(provided that the simulation tool is able to use Modelica.Media)

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