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How to set parameters in an exported FMU?

How to set parameters in an exported FMU?


Hello everyone.

I try to set CoSimulation canGetAndSetFMUstate="true" instead of false in my FMU but I don't know how to set other options than those available in the Visual Interface of OMEdit.

My aim is to export a FMU of my model to use it in Co Simulation.
To be able to modify the FMU state without using OpenModelica, I need this option to be set on true but I don't know how to change it.

I tried to make my FMU with OMShell instead of OMEdit, thinking I would be able to set more parameters, but the only ones I manage to change are the ones I can change with OMEdit (like "2.0" for version 2.0 or "cs" for co simulation).
Do you know the syntax to change the Co Simulation settings? I can't find it in the user guide or the internet.

Thank you in advance if you know how to do it.
It would be of a great help.

Re: How to set parameters in an exported FMU?

We don't support that feature.


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