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Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

I'm a total beginner and I'm trying to learn Modelica modelling, starting with using the GUI to transition from Simulink. Hence I tried to use OpenModelica because of OMEdit. I am using Fedora 25, but it is  repeatedly giving me errors for seemingly trivial operations.

First of all, the moment I started OMEdit, it gave me errors that Modelica and ModelicaReference libraries were not found. Later I had to download it from the Modelica  website and unzip it into my .openmodelica directory. This instruction was not given anywhere, and it required a lot of searching to piece together an idea of what I needed to do.

Next, I did the same with the System Dynamics library ( Then in OMEdit, I click File, mouse on System Libraries, and clicked SystemDynamics. I got the following error in the Messages Browser:

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 Syntax Error Lexer got '&S' but failed to recognize the rest: 'ystemDynami' 
Next, I opened the Modelica > Electrical > Digital library, and I got the following error in the Messages Browser:
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Failed to elaborate expression: {Line(origin = {7, 47}, points = {{-84, -6}, {-52, -6}}), Rectangle(origin = {59, 53}, fillColor = {255, 255, 255}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, extent = {{-104, -63}, {-64, 7}}), Rectangle(origin = {146, 34}, fillColor = {255, 255, 255}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, extent = {{-104, -63}, {-64, 7}}), Line(origin = {7, 15}, points = {{-84, -6}, {-52, -6}}), Line(origin = {79, 30}, points = {{-84, -6}, {-37, -6}}), Line(points = {{42, -12}, {17, -12}, {17, -54}, {-71, -54}})}.
Need some help to figure out, I am a total noob and have no idea what could be wrong.


Re: Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

Bump!! Can anyone help? I want to use it for a modelling exercise at work, but can't get it to work....

Re: Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

How did you install OpenModelica? OM version? 32-bit or 64-bit?

Re: Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

I installed the nightly from the RPM repository following the instructions at .

OMEdit Version : 1.12.0~dev-305-g8329606 . Connected to OpenModelica 1.12.0~dev.alpha1.

Sorry for the delay.

Re: Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

So you should be able to "dnf install omlib-systemdynamics" and "dnf install omlib-modelica-3.2.2" rather than downloading them manually (don't know what you could have gotten wrong or which standard library version you are using). Is it the 32 or 64-bit version?

Re: Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

Did not know about omlib-modelica, I obtained it from the modelica website and dumped it in the user-specific modelica folder after a lot of trial-and-error.

I was able to obtain omlib-modelica-3.2.1 latest for openmodelica-1.11 (I was only able to see the x86_64 version, so that's what I installed).

I receive an error about modelica path on starting OMEdit:

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[1] 07:32:32 Scripting Error
Failed to load package ModelicaReference (default) using MODELICAPATH /opt/openmodelica-1.11/lib/omlibrary:/home/milind/.openmodelica/libraries/.
When I expand the Modelica item in the Libraries Browser pane on the left, and then expand electronics, again i receive the same error as before:

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 [3] 07:33:04 Translation Error
[Modelica.Electrical.Digital: 8222:49-8245:31]: Failed to elaborate expression: {Line(origin = {7, 47}, points = {{-84, -6}, {-52, -6}}), Rectangle(origin = {59, 53}, fillColor = {255, 255, 255}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, extent = {{-104, -63}, {-64, 7}}), Rectangle(origin = {146, 34}, fillColor = {255, 255, 255}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, extent = {{-104, -63}, {-64, 7}}), Line(origin = {7, 15}, points = {{-84, -6}, {-52, -6}}), Line(origin = {79, 30}, points = {{-84, -6}, {-37, -6}}), Line(points = {{42, -12}, {17, -12}, {17, -54}, {-71, -54}}, color = {0, 0, 0}, smooth = Smooth.None)}.
Does it make a difference if I try openmodelica-nightly?

Thanks a lot for your help!

Re: Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

omlib-modelicareference needed or just remove the package from your OMEdit config. The translation error is just a warning for MSL 3.2.1; the Electrical.Digital icon contained an error and won't be rendered correctly. It's fixed in MSL 3.2.2.

Re: Errors in OpenModelica nghtly on Fedora 25

Oh alright then, I'll ignore the error if it won't directly cause problems. Anyway I am not using Digital components.

The SystemDynamics problem remains. It still tells me

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 [3] 23:11:31 Syntax Error
[: 1:2-1:2]: Lexer got '&S' but failed to recognize the rest: 'ystemDynami'
I also tried out a basic electrical circuit with a transformer, 2 resistors, a sinewave source, and a voltage probe. I am getting a "[...] PFPlusExt index Reduction Method Pantelides failed!" error. Should I open a new thread for that, or can I post that here to get some more help?

Thanks again!

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