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Error Running Test for new Medium Definition

Error Running Test for new Medium Definition


I'm defining a new medium for use in with the fluids components in the standard library.  I followed the guidelines in the build in documentation in the Medium package.  Now I'm trying to run this test:


within gri30;

model Test_gri30
   extends Modelica.Media.Examples.Tests.Components.PartialTestModel(
            redeclare package Medium = gri30);
end Test_gri30;

When I run Test_gri30, I get this error:


[1] 08:52:33 Error
OMC unable to load `./': ./ undefined symbol: omc_Modelica_Media_Examples_Tests_Components_FluidPort__a$shortPipe$port__a_Medium_setState__pTX.


[16] 08:52:33 Error
OMC unable to load `./': ./ undefined symbol: omc_gri30_Test__gri30_Medium_setState__pTX.

[17] 08:52:33 Translation Error
Error occurred while flattening model gri30.Test_gri30

Any hints?

Thank you,

Adam Lange

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