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Appearance of PowerSystems sheets

Appearance of PowerSystems sheets

A lot of PowerSystems library examples have an horizontal shape. At least nearly all spot examples.
All of them are laid in sheets having a square size: {-100,100},{-100,100}

I've switched in my own version of the  library into rectangular shapes, typically having a vertical span {-80,80} or {-60,60}.
this solution has advantages both in OM and Dymola.

1) in OM it fits much more naturally in the space available to display the model, since as default the bottom part in the modeling perspective is occupied by the Messages Browser.
2) in Dymola this is useful especially when adding the diagram in the simulation perspective. In that perspective  when models are resized, Dymola tries to let the whole sheet fit in the window; in case the sheet has blank parts, its the useful part (i.e. the one containing graphical elements) are shrunk.

So having chosen specific sizes for the examples' sheets results in better usage of the Library.

I propose to do the same in the standard version of the library, i.e. the one that is distributed to users (and enclosed in OM) , so that every user would have this advantage. It's is a simple task, that pays off.

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