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Hydraulic cylinder problem

Hydraulic cylinder problem

Hello all,

I've created a Dymola model, where I have an empty tank, which is connected to the sweptvolume output via a static pipe. The sweptvolume input is a force, with the help of which I would like to transport water from the hydraulic cylinder to the tank.

I've assumed the diameter of the piston (0.1m) and accordingly I've calculated the area of the piston. For the atmospheric pressure, I've calculated the force that is needed to displace the water in the cylinder. But, somehow I see the water is not getting displaced and the volume is remaining constant without filling the tank.

Hope one would help me with this, so that I understand what mistake(s) I'm committing..

I would like to thank you for your time and interest.


Edited by: gurumech07 - Apr-25-16 09:21:35
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