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Looking for a library

Looking for a library

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a library I don't know the name but an author of a scientific article talked about it 7 years ago. It was working on that library and he said it will be free and available. The library have a better interpolation than the one implemented in the CombiTimeTable which increase a lot my CPU Time.

I note the reference to the article: "Implementation of a Modelica Library for Smooth Spline Approximation " from Jörg Ungethüm and Dirk Hülsebusch

If you have some information about the article or how to decrease the CPU time using CombiTimeTable or equivalent, I am interested.

Thank you,

Re: Looking for a library

A closely related question has been asked here: … a-modelica

The paper you mention is this one:
You will have to contact the authors directly, their library is (as far as I know) not available online.

There are also other table implementations available, check out these papers:

Not in your case, but otherwise, the list of libraries on the homepage is always a good starting point:

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