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Problems with ModelicaMatIO

Problems with ModelicaMatIO

Dear Community,
I am new to Modelica and I am struggeling with using Matlab files within OMEdit under Windows 10.

Here is what I did:

I loaded the system library "ModelicaTest" to have a look how things work with CombiTable. So I went to ModelicaTest -> Tables -> CombiTable1D -> Test19 and let it run. Unfortunatelly OM is unable to compile. You can find the full error in the attachment.

Mainly it says:

C:/dev/OpenModelica//lib//omc/libModelicaMatIO.a(ModelicaMatIO.o): In function `InflateSkip':
C:\bin\cygwin\home\adrpo\dev\OpenModelica\OMCompiler\3rdParty\ModelicaExternalC\BuildProjects\autotools/../../C-Sources/ModelicaMatIO.c:746: undefined reference to `inflate'
C:\bin\cygwin\home\adrpo\dev\OpenModelica\OMCompiler\3rdParty\ModelicaExternalC\BuildProjects\autotools/../../C-Sources/ModelicaMatIO.c:750: undefined reference to `zError'

and lots of H5 errors.

I guess I need to install something, am I right? Could someone tell me what and how (I am not advanced in installing software, sorry!)

Thanks a lot!

Edited by: Fredo - Mar-21-16 07:37:10

Re: Problems with ModelicaMatIO

I guess the easiest way to solve the error would be to install Linux where OM is better tested. I cannot help any more than that without seeing the full error-message starting from the linker command, and getting the full version number of OMC and the version of MSL used.

Re: Problems with ModelicaMatIO

Sorry, I attached an empty file. Now the complete error message is in the attachement.

Version number:
OMEdit v1.9.4-dev.beta2-182-gafe8a0d
Connected to OpenModelica v1.9.4-dev.beta2-182-gafe8a0d

What is MSL and where can I find it?

Edited by: Fredo - Mar-21-16 07:42:54

Re: Problems with ModelicaMatIO

The missing inflate/deflate is because MSL 3.2.1 is missing the zlib dependency (MSL trunk has this). The hdf5 things I assume is because @adrpo installed hdf5 in msys2, but these dependencies are not automatically included. So possibly MSL should only include hdf5 support when dynamically linked (

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