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Getting the solutions of the model.

Getting the solutions of the model.

Hi everyone, 

How can I get the solutions (functions) to a model (system of equations) in order to use them elsewhere outside of OpenModelica.

Thank you.

Re: Getting the solutions of the model.

FMI export

Re: Getting the solutions of the model.

Thank you, I heard of it before, but the problem is in which file I could find them, because the FMI export process generates lots of files, hence, I can't figure out which file(s).

Re: Getting the solutions of the model.

YacinOS wrote:

Thank you, I heard of it before, but the problem is in which file I could find them, because the FMI export process generates lots of files, hence, I can't figure out which file(s).

When you choose "Export FMU" OM generates this file into your Working Directory. The file is named "Name.fmu" there is only one file with such name in the working directory.

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