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What are the builddependencies for OMEdit (only)

What are the builddependencies for OMEdit (only)

Hi I wanted to test a PR of my own and thought to compile OMEdit (only). Now the README simply says:

Build instructions

Install the dependencies.

But what are those. Could somebody provide a list. Preferably a apt-get package list for Ubuntu :-)

Re: What are the builddependencies for OMEdit (only)

apt-get build-dep openmodelica

Re: What are the builddependencies for OMEdit (only)

Nah that's far too complicated ;-)

Re: What are the builddependencies for OMEdit (only)

Turns out a simple apt-get build-dep openmodelica does not work since the source packages for openmodelica are missing on the server. :-(

Re: What are the builddependencies for OMEdit (only)

I know they exist since we make the nightly builds from them. They might however be missing from each named repo and just part of the odd nightly source repo...

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