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Importing? Call for Collaboration

Importing? Call for Collaboration

My father-in-law has spent the past 20+ yrs modeling his work in particle physics in Mathcad. He was a physicist on the NIF most of his career, and when he retired he wanted to focus on his own work. He had cabinets of cassette tapes for some archaic HP system with countless models he built over the years and hoped to resurrect an old HP system to read them. I jumped in, got him a modern PC (this was the early 90s) and a copy of Mathcad, showed him how to use a mouse, open, save, etc, and left him with the manual, cursing and screaming about the " monkey machine!" By that evening he was up and running and actually apologized saying he had no idea technology had come this far. And here's a guy who designed 3 generations of the worlds more powerful laser.

All of the work he's done to date on Mathcad has been static, finding stability through a tedious iterative process. Clearly he's overdue for a more modern, larger scale dynamic model of his theory. This is beyond Mathcad. I also think a dynamic simulation of his work requires more sophisticated programming and modeling skills he's unlikely to acquire in his late 70s. He needs collaborators.

He's worked primarily on his own, living near the coast in Oregon, sharing notes with a few long time friends and colleagues. Last year, some physicists stumbled onto his work and invited him to present at the SPIE conference in San Diego. As it turned out, he was unable to attend - he was diagnosed with cancer last year and it was a rough time. He's actually fighting back very well now. His son presented his work in his stead. His submitted paper is linked below. Be warned, its a radical departure from the Standard Model, and he can come across quite assuming. Just read it with a heavy German accent and it will sound more appropriate. ;-) … c_vortices

They found his work from a simple web site I propped up for him years ago once he felt his model of He2 was sound:

I don't think it would be a huge stretch to turn his work into a functional 3D dynamic model, he just needs to find the right, enthusiastic people. Because his work is a departure from the Standard Model, many people just walk away from it. But so far his model has allowed him to predict most of the periodic chart, stable and un-stable isotopes, explain the mass of Proton, the magnetic moment of a Neutron, and predict a stable, very dense Neutron4 baryonic structure where both charge and magnetic fields cancel which could provide an explanation of dark mater. And the list goes on.. which is why you should understand he can come off a bit pretentious. :-)

If you got this far, thanks for reading. If you are interested in collaborating, please reach out to either of us. His contact info is on the links above.

Edited by: gjshep - Jan-18-16 23:52:58
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