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OMEdit ignores min-Values

OMEdit ignores min-Values

Hi there,

I try to simulate an oil circuit, consisting of pipes, splits, bearings,...For this purpose, I created my own library.
Of course, my model has one flow inlet (lets call it pump) and several outputs (e. g. bearings, from which the oil flows back to the sump). To prevent illocial boundary conditions, I defined the mass flow in the output component as min=0. Quite easy and works as intended. But as soon as I add a component which uses a lookup-table (= Combi-Tables out of the Modelica Standard Library) in which the lossfactor is stored, OMEdit ignores the min-value and as a result, negative mass flow is possible.

Does anybody know why the definition of min-values doesn't work when using lookup-tables

Thank you very much! Regards, Jan

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